In these videos, Sebastian Weston-Lewis, Director of Product Management, talks about some of the important aspects and values delivered by Infosys Equinox Studio, our low code no code, cloud-native front-end builder that helps businesses shape, integrate, publish and manage next-generation composable commerce experiences.


Infosys Equinox Studio: Hyper-personalization at scale

Serve hyper-personalized commerce experiences to your customers at scale. Built as a no-code, cloud native application, Infosys Equinox studio enables businesses to shape and deliver composable human-centric experiences with minimal IT support.

Infosys Equinox Studio: Digital Portfolio Management at scale

Manage complex digital portfolio across languages and geographies efficiently with Infosys Equinox Studio. Built with a blueprint approach, any changes done at a blueprint level gets propagated across multiple brand sites in real-time while providing businesses the flexibility to choose what gets managed centrally vs what gets defined at an individual brand site level.
